Modernize your iSeries


If you are looking for or have considered ways to modernize you iSeries, TMA can help. We have been offering our iSeries clients Windows applications for over 10 years. Using Windows form applications in apps running directly on your iSeries, we have helped our clients to avoid the nightmare of replacing software or systems. We go beyond GUI report writers. Our apps are logic based to provide data views that are not possible with simple report writer SQL statements. Some of our apps read/write to the iSeries database. So, before you are put in a position to replace your “out-dated” systems, talk to us and let’s work together on a more sensible and money-saving solution.

We also support and promote the Phocas BI application.  This tool provides datatable drill downs and effective KPI dashboards over any datasource.

For our PRMS customers, we have several VB.NET Windows Desktop apps that you can download and install completely free-of-charge.

  • Net APPS and PHP Web Apps accessing iSeries DB2 enterprise data
  • RPGLE/Java apps to share DB2 information with SEQUEL servers
  • Intuitive, graphical Interfaces consisting of Charts, Interactive Data Grids, Reports, Drill-down, and Excel Exports
  • Native iSeries, No additional hardware or software required
  • Join and present Sequel Server data with DB2 data on a single form or report
  • Generic or custom apps designed to your specifications
  • Visit our Client Download page for video examples of selected TMA Apps